Orders for sewn gear usually ship with 2-4 weeks, stoves or cord usually go out within a couple of days. If it's likely to take longer due to holidays or if i'm very busy i will update you on any delays.
Manitoba made gear for paddlers, hikers and campers
Outdoor gear that has evolved from years spent exploring the wild lands in North America and Europe. I use the best materials to create functional gear that will make life easier, so you can get on with enjoying your hard earned time in the back country.

About CanoePaddler
Not long after I fell in love with exploring wild places I soon realised that finding outdoor gear that really met my needs was next to impossible. If I wanted the best I would have to find a way to make it myself. Fortunately others felt that what I was making was good for them too and I now make gear that has been used on expeditions across the globe.
Contact Us
Have a question about my gear or want a custom design? Reach out, I’d be happy to hear from you.